Firstly...I would like to thank you all (Brian) for your care and concern during my migraine. I know who really loves me. :p
BIG NEWS! Guess who got her hands on some pretty little blue pills! And guess who will be sending me emails trying to get his paws on some...but these are special...me no share.
I actually NEED these (much like I need that bottle of wine on Friday nites). I have been struggling with sleeping lately and when seeing my doctor today, he suggested that it was one of many things contributing to the headache. I have had my headache for 8 days! Yes, 8 days. In addition to sleeping pills, he prescribed massage therapy, heat and rest. Apparently my neck and shoulders are like rocks and causing the headache. I have neck and jaw pain too. I'm a mess! I am taking at least 1/2 a day off tomorrow because I don't know how I will react to these sleeping pills. But I will keep you posted on how they are. Maybe that's my place in the blog world. I will review pills...give you my opion...let you know if you should chase it with wine or gin... could be fun! And I could document it on video...now that could be entertaining!
I promise to get to your suggestions/questions tomorrow...but i'm about to take a pretty little blue pill and hopefully get some sleep!
PS...Yeah! My first female reader! :) Welcome chickymama!
My poor fake ex-wife! Sorry to hear about the headaches.
That said, you'd best save some of them pills fo' me, beeeotch!
Wait, Chickymama is a girl?!
I thought it was Ryan's late night alter-ego, after he slips into some fishnet stockings and a jigger of bourbon.
Don't let im'indoors get his hands on those blue pills; he's not to be trusted.
I hope they work, fake-ex-wife of mine. Are you sure an 8 day headache isn't code for "Ryan"?
As flattered as I am that you think I'm Ryan's late night alter-ego, I really am a girl. I'm even related to Puntabulous himself - by marriage, of course. But please don't hold that against him.
I understand your pain, Rhonda! I had a migraine for 2 weeks straight last Spring. My little pills were white and yellow.
Dear fake ex-wife,
My life is lacking without your posts. Please post soon.
Your (3rd, I'm guessing) fake ex-husband.
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